Why have a chimney cleaned?

It is important to clean your chimney from the accumulation of combustibles: creosote. This prevents buildup which can lead to chimney fires, identifies potential safety concerns and meets Ontario Fire Marshal's bylaw.

How often should I have my chimney cleaned?

Ontario Fire Marshall, Code, states that every chimney flue and flue pipe shall be inspected at intervals no greater than one year, after a chimney fire or at a time when work is completed on a appliance.

A good rule of thumb, if you use your wood appliance at least once a week in winter, give us a call to have your appliance cleaned and inspected annually.

What is a W.E.T.T. Inspection?

A W.E.T.T. Certified Technician looks at your entire system top to bottom to ensure the appliance meets all building and manufacturer's installation codes. A detailed report, with pictures, is completed and provided to the homeowner. W.E.T.T. inspections take place at the request of insurance companies or real estate agents when a new owner moves to a house; or by your local fire department after a chimney fire. For more information on W.E.T.T. please visit their website.

Why does my fireplace smell?

There are many reasons why your fireplace can smell. Animals nesting, glaze creosote, down drafts and moisture are some of the typical reasons why your fireplace can smell. Regular cleanings can help reduce smells within your fireplace.

What type of wood should I burn?

When using your wood appliance, only burn well seasoned hardwood; ash, oak, maple. The split stacked hardwood should be stored outside. It is not recommended to burn softwood, skids and large amounts of cardboard or paper. Factory-built logs (fake logs) can be burned in open-faced fireplace, but these logs still leave deposits. Your appliance should still be cleaned regularly as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

I found some free wood, is it okay to burn?

If the wood is hardwood as per above, then yes. Unfortunately free wood is often poor quality wood that won’t burn properly. Typically this wood comes from pallets (skids) and leftover building materials which are made up with nails and chemically treated wood, releasing toxins that are not good for your wood burning system or the environment . We recommend buying hardwood from a reliable suppliers. Northern Hardwood provides split hardwood within the GTA.

Will there be a mess?

No. We ensure that we leave every house the same as we arrived. Throughout the cleaning a HEPA filter vacuum is used, to ensure dust does not enter your house.

I found this chimney cleaning log at my local hardware store, does it actually clean my chimney?

These manufactured logs provide a catalytic action which may cause the creosote to become brittle and fall onto the smoke shelf. Unfortunately this doesn’t always work, and the creosote that falls on the smoke shelf is still flammable. The manufacturer still recommends having your system inspected and cleaned by a professional chimney sweep on a regular basis.

What is the Rod Station Chimney Cleaning System?

The Rod Station Power System is a chimney cleaning system, sourced from the UK, to provide customers with the best possible cleaning possible. The patented brush system provides the best clean, for any appliance, with the flexibility to clean every system from inside the home.

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